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Recruit or Train Staff with CFT

Good for Business

Hiring an apprentice is a productive and effective way to grow talent and develop a motivated, skilled and qualified workforce.

  • 86% of employers said apprenticeships helped them develop skills relevant to their organisation

  • 78% of employers said apprenticeships helped them improve productivity

  • 74% of employers said apprenticeships helped them improve the quality of their product or service


An apprentice can be a sustainable investment in skills to support businesses as the economy recovers.

CFT for Business

At Care First, we pride ourselves in being able to offer recruitment, training and consultancy solutions to organisations of all shapes and sizes.


Pushy, aggressive & brash


Experts in our sector, informative and always happy to talk

Our promise... 

We run a no-obligation service for advice and guidance on business to business matters. We’re always happy to discuss opportunities and, where possible, make them possibilities.

With established partnerships including government bodies, not-for profit organisations and local authorities, Care First are able to ensure our clients benefit from various sources of government funding set aside for national growth and development.

Incentive payments for hiring a new apprentice

With government funding available for a variety of courses in numerous sectors and industries, there has never been a better time to train your staff or upskill personally.

To support employers, the government is increasing incentive payments for apprentices taken on as new employees from 1 April 2021.


You can view the details HERE (from GOV.UK)

Train up current staff

You can also train up your current workforce, by placing staff on our course and apprenticeships.


Reach out to us by completing an Employer Registration.

Recruit an Apprentice

Take on one of our expertly recruited apprentices, to build up your workforce. Our specialists can meet your needs.

Reach out to us by completing an Employer Registration.

Become a Better Team, Together.

With businesses of all sizes competing to find the best young talent available, companies like Royles Royce and Barclays have taken huge strides in creating thousands of opportunities, cutting recruitment costs and bridging skills gaps throughout their corporate development. Through the hard work and diligence of so many individuals, apprenticeships have boosted the economy and are here to stay!


Register to Recruit an Apprentice or Train Staff  

View our Courses and Apprenticeships 

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